Getting sick is not only unpleasant physically, it can have a lot of unpleasant financial repercussions as well. If you are sick enough to be off work for several months, the loss of income may be almost impossible to recover from as you can lose your home, car and job if you can’t keep up the repayments or do the work required of you. To avoid this disastrous scenario, it is essential to have a financial advisor do some financial planning on your behalf, that includes risk and health insurance and helps you to plan for emergencies small and large.
Don’t wait until sickness happens to get assistance from a financial planner; it will be too late then. Planning your finances so they are in a healthy state takes time. Putting the plan into place is essential, but you still have to wait for growth to happen. Leaving it all until you are sick and out of money is not going to help you. What is needed is for consultation and a plan immediately, while you have an income and are not ill.